Monday, May 16, 2011

This is the end of the year!  I'm the only 8th grader and its been pretty weird all year.  Iv had classmates sometimes in the year just because of some things that happened in the school year.  Iv also had one classmate named Won. (no really her name was Won)  She was the best classmate every but she only stayed for a week and 4 days.  She was going to stay for 3 weeks but it snowed and rained for most of the time.  Last year seemed like the year would never end but this year went by fast.  Iv meet lots of good people and their really nice here.  Im going to miss most of the people here.  (Emphasis on MOST!)  To all the people here goodbye and have a good time here at the amazing SHREINER ACADEMY!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hey I'm back! I know I haven't blogged sense March but I just had stuff to do.  So anyway now sense I'm back I'm going talk to you about light.  Lots of people use it every day but when someone asks you what it is you probably can't tell them.  First I'm goning to talk about artificial light.  Artificial Light is the light we use in our flashlights and cars and even our phones.

Next I'm going to talk about the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The Electromagnetic Spectrum is just light bouncing off a prism.  A white light hits the prism and reflects off of it and makes a rainbow.  That why when its done raining you sometimes see a rainbow.  The light bounces off the water and reflects back into the sky and creates the rainbow. 

Next is Electromagnetic Waves.  We have all made a circuit right? Well it's something like that.  The electromagnetic waves are flowing through the light so when you turn on you lights at home you know that there is an electromagnetic wave flowing through it.

Light can be described as packets of energy called photons.  Photons also have two parts that can make them more stable. 

Reflection is something we see every time we look in a mirror.  The light would bounce off the mirror and show you what you would look like.  But would you believe that what the mirror is showing you is wrong?  Every time we look in the mirror we see the our reflection looks like were turned the other way.  If you take a picture of yourself and look at it while looking at yourself in the mirror it shows that the mirror bounces the light back at you but doesn't show it right.  The picture doesn't bounce the light back at you so it shows what you really look like.

Refraction  is something like reflection.  When a wave of light passes through some sort of space, it slows downs, changes speed or changes direction.  That why when you put something in water it looks like its broken.

A prism is a device that shows rainbows.  When you shine a white light in a prism it shows the colors that we don't see or what we call a rainbow.