Tuesday, December 14, 2010

You will get a shock out of this!
Just think if we didn't have electricity.  Think about what you do when you get home, now think about what that would be like without electricity.  We use electricity for TV, our homes, and lots of other things too.  On the weekends I play my game.  Now if we didn't have electricity I wouldn't be able to do that.  Most of us have cell phones and laptops and I use mine all the time.  If we didn't have electricity then we could never charge them.  I would hate having them if you couldn't charge them.           

                                                   STATIC ELECTRICITY
There are two things I'm going to talk about today and that's static and current electricity.  Static electricity are just electrons jumping from one object to another.  Static electricity can transfer from things like a metal doorknob to your finger.  If you have on socks the electrons from the rug rub onto the socks and you start to become negatively charged.  So watch where you walk when you have on socks in you house.   

                                CURRENT ELECTRICITY
Current electricity is just the constant flow of electrons.  Current electricity is everywhere.  When you plug in something in your outlet the electrons are going through the plug into the outlet.  Then they go back through the  plug and into the battery.  So without current electricity the world would be a lot different.    

Have you ever seen a really tall building and the top of it had a pole? Well that's a conductor and the conductor is made of metal.  The lighting is attracted to the pole and  if there's ever a thunderstorm the lighting shoots towards the pole and the it's sent to the ground safely.  Some houses have conductors but mostly the taller buildings have them.        


                                          INSULATOR                                  There's also something called an insulator.  It keeps the electricity from going out of control.  Have you seen jumper cables?  The cables have some rubber on them because when you put them on your car there's a shock that could hurt or be life threatening.  So the rubber is something you should always have when you have jumper cables.  Electricity is everywhere so we should have the most out of what we have now because in the future we might not have it.



Sunday, December 5, 2010


Atoms are everywhere, we just cant see them.  There in our food, our drinks, there even in us!  In about 1802 a guy named John Dalton built a  model called the atomic theory of matter which means that each type of matter is made up of one type of atom.  Then each atom could be put into a group called an element and each atom was identical.  An example of that would be that gold atoms make gold and iron atoms make iron.  Dalton also said that an atom could not be created, made into smaller parts, or destroyed. 


In 1897 a guy named J.J Thomson found the electron.  He used a device he created that had a vacuum tube with two medal plates at each end.  He found that a beam would form between the plates and he called this beam the cathode and the anode.  When you put a magnet near the beam it would cause it to bend and this mean that the particles of the beam were electrically charged.  Thomson discovered that the beam was made of negatively charged particles and they were later called electrons.  If there were the same number of protons and electrons then they would cancel each other out.  If electrons leave then the atom becomes positively charged, but if more electrons come then the atom becomes negatively charged.  When the electrons come or leave the atom becomes and ion because of its either positive or negative charges.  Thomson thought that electrons were stuck throughout a positively charged area.  For example everyone knows what cookie dough is right? Well the electrons are the chocolate chips and the dough is the positively charged area. 

There was one more guy I wanted to talk about.  His name is Ernest Rutherford and he made a device that had a beam and a thin sheet of gold plate.  They shot the beam and most of the particles went through the gold.  He found out that the gold had to be made up of mostly empty space.  When the other parts of the beam didn't go through he changed his theory saying that there had to be some positive particles in the gold.  He called this the nucleus and the particles inside the nucleus were the protons.  The electrons were the other particles spinning around it really fast.  Well of course there's so much more to tell but then I would have to get into the more scientific terms and you would all get bored.  Hope you learned a lot.