Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world.  They are being protected by hunters and other people who want to hurt them.  Did you know that another name for the cheetah is the Acinonyx Jubatus. An adult body can be 105-152 cm long, the tail can be up to 51-87 cm and the shoulder height is 62-86 cm. The weight of the cheetah is 31-64kg. The male is slightly larger than the female but there both fast. If you try to run away from a cheetah you wouldnt even get 5ft before it cought you.  The cheetah can run a constant speed of 75mph, and the length of 112-120km/h.  They can run up to 125mph.  The only enem for the adult cheetah are the humans, and cubs have to watch out for lions, hyenas,eagles, and jackals.      

1 comment:

  1. hi kenneth its me SuperSara i really like your blog and i didnt know that much about cheetahs until red your blog!! well im going to follow your blog and i would appreciate if yoi followed mine my URL is
