Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Newtons first law states that "an object in motion will stay in motion and an object in rest will stay at rest."  If I were to drive a car and keep going in the same direction then I would stay in motion until some kind of force stopped me.  If I were to sit in a car and not do anything then i would be at rest until some kind of force moves me. 

 Newton second law states that "an object with an unbalanced force acting on it will move in the direction of that force."  If I was standing still, talking to someone and someone else was running and they didn't see me and ran into me, I would be forced forward.   

Newtons third law states that "forces occur in equal and opposite pairs."  If a rocket was going to take off into space the ignition from the rocket and the ground would cause it to go up.  The ground pushes the rocket up because of the ignition.   



  1. cool info kenneth it very awesome lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That was awsome (its taylor) wow its me

  3. that was some cool info. but put more kenneth into it.

  4. I agree with celly (celine)put more of urself into it bc then everyone will love ur blog as much as they love you!! so yeah wow i really liked ur blog this is the first post ive read of it and it was a very good first impression!! AWESOME KENNETH!! KEEP UP DA GUD WORK
